Towed Sleds
Explorer models:
These simple sleds are extremely reliable and will perform well whether operating in shallow or deep waters. Our open frame designs, coupled with frames made with perforated extrusions, allow you to easily attach a multitude of sensors.
credit: Hatfield Marine Science Center (ISIIS-3 sled)
Below are examples of semi-custom designs that were tailored to the operator's payload and operating conditions.
University of Miami, RSMAS: ISIIS-1 sled
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Stingray Sled
USGS Bio-acoustic towed sled
Boxy model:
This sled was designed to meet several requirements, including payload versatility, a small footprint and the ability to perform well in shallow waters when towed slow and/or with irregular tow speed.
The ROV-like frame provides a large payload bay, while the added upper floatation ensures flight stability.
University of Georgia, SKIO towed sled
Boxkite model:
This is an undulating vehicle fitted with dive planes, a rudder (for offside towing), and a roll compensation fin. This ROTV carries 3 high-resolution cameras, and 15 other oceanographic instruments, including two bio-acoustic transducers.
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, BoxKite ROTV
Original ISIIS-2 models:
A few units of these ROTVs were produced from 2005 to 2015 to perform tow-yo operations between 0-200m depth.
The University of Southern Mississippi